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Transformation of feelings to material.
Perception of material reality in the field of senses.
Transfiguration of reality through imaging.

A society, which is formed on the basis of values of closed System, collides with reality, where Idea expends itself.

The program, which was presented to the public as a flag, itself, having been artificial, and artificially attached to the culture of the nation, had few common boundaries with the culture. There are debris everywhere, even in the thought process of the public: a culture, which has not managed to absorb it.

All of the things, which were feeding, conserving and moving the System, are eliminated, while preserving their character, significance and name in objects, by creating marginal expressions in the realm of material and senses.

On sensual and spiritual levels, past is mixed with reality by means of peoples personal memory. What is left around us from the past, helps this process too. These have lost their functional character, but have not exhausted their potential of being projected in reality.

Objects which I conceive as monuments.
Monuments built in the sphere of public memory.