An exhibition dedicated to the 12th anniversary of the Yerevan Drink’n’Draw.
Drink’n’Draw is an event aimed at uniting artists and developing the art of comics. It is held in different cities of the world, including Berlin, Los Angeles, London, Yerevan, Gyumri, Stepanavan.
This exhibition includes works from 12 years of archives – comics drawn in a few hours while drunk, which have never been shown or published before.
04 – 27 July
- July 4, 6 PM – Opening. Zine creation Drink’n’Draw
- July 12, 12 PM – 6 Hour Comics Marathon
7 PM – Syndicats Expo - July 20, 5 PM – Jumbo Comics and Cracked Comics
- July 27, 7 PM – Closing. Fusion Drink’n’Draw
NPAK, 2024